←2019-04-09 2019-04-10 2019-04-11→ ↑2019 ↑all
00:13:43 <oerjan> `? funpun
00:13:44 <HackEso> Dhrra Funpuns bs gur Qnja fceƀ fbz fryyrev naq pbfcynlf Arcrgn Yrvwba ba jrrxraqf. Ur ungrf oryy crccref jvgu n cnffvba. Ur qbrfa'g xabj jura gb fgbc nfxvat dhrfgvbaf. Gur havg bs sha chaarel vf anzrq nsgre uvz.
00:13:49 <oerjan> `? shachaf
00:13:50 <HackEso> Queen Shachaf of the Dawn sprø som selleri and cosplays Nepeta Leijon on weekends. He hates bell peppers with a passion. He doesn't know when to stop asking questions.
00:14:34 <oerjan> i guess b_jonas deleted the right one.
00:19:24 <int-e> confusing
00:20:03 <int-e> I'd say, the 's' should clearly be part of the entry name :P
00:20:19 <int-e> `rot13 f
00:20:20 <HackEso> s
00:21:46 <int-e> `rot13 ø
00:21:47 <HackEso> ​ƀ
00:23:20 <int-e> `unidecode øƀ
00:24:59 <oerjan> someone made rot13 more semantic
00:25:07 <shachaf> `cat bin/rot13
00:25:07 <HackEso> ​#!/hackenv/bin/shebang_args_or_input python \ \ import re, sys, unicodedata as U \ def tr(c): \ m = re.match(r'(.*\bLATIN\b.*\bLETTER )([A-Z])\b(.*)', U.name(c, '')) \ if m: \ p, q, r = m.groups() \ n = ord(q) - ord('A') \ try: \ return U.lookup(p + chr(ord('A') + (n + 13) % 26) + r) \ except KeyError: \ return c \ return c \ \ def tr2(c): \ d = tr(c) \ if d != c: \ r
00:26:15 <int-e> Jafet did.
00:28:02 <int-e> Anyway, I'm soory I missed the singular funpun entry when I updated the plural one.
00:28:28 <shachaf> You updated it?
00:28:35 <shachaf> `dowg funpuns
00:28:36 <HackEso> 11772:2019-04-09 <wob_jonäs> `` mv -vi wisdom/funpun{s,} \ 11748:2019-03-04 <int-̈e> ` echo -n $(cat wisdom/shachaf) The unit of fun punnery is named after him. | rot13 > wisdom/funpuns \ 7399:2016-04-17 <boil̈y> rm wisdom/funpuns \ 7398:2016-04-17 <boil̈y> le/rn_append funpuns/Gur havg bs onq chaarel vf anzrq nsgre uvz.
00:28:45 <shachaf> `dowg funpun
00:28:47 <HackEso> 11772:2019-04-09 <wob_jonäs> `` mv -vi wisdom/funpun{s,} \ 11771:2019-04-09 <wob_jonäs> forget funpun \ 11105:2017-07-21 <Jafët> slwd funpun//s/\xc3\xb8/\xc6\x80/ \ 7401:2016-04-17 <shachäf> ` sed -i \'s/onq/sha/\' wisdom/funpun \ 7400:2016-04-17 <boil̈y> le/rn_append funpun/Gur havg bs onq chaarel vf anzrq nsgre uvz. \ 5814:2015-07-09 <oerjän> ` rot13 < wisdom/shachaf >wisdom/funpun \ 4367:2014-01-25 <oerjän> r13 <wisdom/shachaf >wisdom/funp
00:28:47 <int-e> Well, regenerated it.
00:29:08 <shachaf> whoa, they aren't rot13 of each other.
00:29:55 <shachaf> I guess I'm not an expert on fun puns.
00:34:29 <fizzie> The last few days have made the bulk of my use of urxvt's ctrl-right-click context menu.
00:34:38 <fizzie> (It has a rot13 option.)
00:34:58 <shachaf> fancy
00:35:10 <shachaf> I have a keybinding to rot13 the contents of the clipboard.
00:35:16 <shachaf> But it doesn't help so much with viewing.
00:36:00 <fizzie> The urxvt thing rot13's the contents of the primary selection, but also briefly shows it in a corner-of-the-window overlay thing.
00:36:09 <fizzie> (It's very brief, though.)
00:36:43 <shachaf> I used to use urxvt but now I don't.
00:37:04 <fizzie> It also has a "convert newlines to spaces" tool.
00:37:12 <shachaf> Seems it still doesn't support changing the font size dynamically.
00:37:13 <fizzie> But I think I'd still like to set up something like your indicators.
00:37:23 <fizzie> Well, I mean, very clunkily it does.
00:37:34 <shachaf> I rewrote my indicator program to monitor X11 selection-changed events.
00:37:49 <fizzie> URxvt.keysym.C-minus: command:\033]710;xft:Tamzen:pixelsize=13, DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=10\007
00:37:51 <shachaf> It was polling once a second but the delay between changing clipboard size and seeing it updated was annoying me.
00:38:11 <fizzie> That's what I use when I move a terminal to the lower-DPI monitor sometimes.
00:38:30 <shachaf> Maybe I'll just write my own terminal emulator.
00:39:03 <fizzie> You do have to set URxvt.insecure on to use that option, which is annoying, especially if you spend time around places like this where all kinds of bytes come and go.
00:39:33 <shachaf> Oh, you set urxvt options through text prited in the terminal?
00:39:38 <shachaf> Can you execute arbitrary commands that way?
00:40:35 <fizzie> It's not exactly through text printed, the "command:" action prefix for a keybinding parses it as a control sequence.
00:40:51 <fizzie> But the "insecure" flag is the same for both. I'd prefer to enable it only for these "internal" things.
00:41:14 <fizzie> The "right" way to do this would be to use one of the Perl extensions written for controlling the font size.
00:41:26 <fizzie> (And then just trigger that extension from the key binding.)
00:41:37 <fizzie> It's just, effort.
00:41:39 <shachaf> Maybe the right way would be to just have that built in?
00:41:46 <fizzie> Well. Maybe.
00:41:54 <shachaf> Changing the font size is one of relatively few things I want my terminal to do.
00:42:19 <fizzie> When I was looking at this, there were at least two different urxvt extensions to do it, I'm not sure why I discarded them.
00:42:35 <fizzie> But yes, it would be nice if it supported that as a feature.
00:43:27 <fizzie> https://github.com/simmel/urxvt-resize-font I think is the better one, in that it's at least not too many lines.
00:46:05 <fizzie> Although I think "insecure: true" is also required for window title setting, which I kind of like.
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01:56:49 * pikhq mrfs a bit
01:59:39 <oerjan> ^wn mrf
01:59:42 <oerjan> oops
01:59:46 <oerjan> @wn mrf
01:59:47 <lambdabot> No match for "mrf".
01:59:52 <oerjan> shocking
01:59:56 <oerjan> `? mrf
01:59:57 <HackEso> mrf? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
02:00:02 <pikhq> Words are hard.
02:00:30 <oerjan> i'm sure it's perfectly fine czech.
02:01:19 <oerjan> although wiktionary doesn't know it.
02:05:20 <pikhq> I am just tired, because moving be like that.
02:24:06 <fizzie> `` wn mrf -over
02:24:08 <HackEso> No output.
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02:32:44 <fizzie> `mkx bin/explain//wn "${1:-explain}" -n1 -hypen -hypev | sed -e '1,/^Sense/d;/^$/,$d' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/ */ /g'
02:32:46 <HackEso> bin/explain
02:32:50 <fizzie> `explain word
02:32:51 <HackEso> word => language unit, linguistic unit => part, portion, component part, component, constituent => relation => abstraction, abstract entity => entity
02:32:57 <fizzie> (WordNet is tg.)
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05:23:37 <esowiki> [[MiniStringFuck]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60958&oldid=50538 * Salpynx * (-2) also not re-writing
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09:14:16 <wob_jonas> `ftoc 98.6
09:14:17 <HackEso> 98.60°F = 37.00°C
09:14:28 <wob_jonas> `ctof 36.4
09:14:29 <HackEso> 36.40°C = 97.52°F
09:17:35 <wob_jonas> oerjan: yes, I looked at the history. at one point boily appended to both wisdom/funpun and wisdom/funpuns , where one existed before, and from that point on both existed in parallel
09:18:12 <wob_jonas> int-e: the s is part of the name, which is what the wisdom body says, but IMO it shouldn't be in the wisdom name so that both `? funpuns and `? funpun works
09:18:41 <wob_jonas> this way people can find the entry even if they don't know that it's not the plural of funpuns
09:19:19 <wob_jonas> int-e: I blame boily
09:51:56 <wob_jonas> The good thing with the internet is that there's so much of them. I'm listening to music from the internet, but if I don't like a piece of music, I can switch to a different one.
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10:38:21 <wob_jonas> also, it's about time for a new o. someone upload it.
11:42:21 <wob_jonas> `? outstanding
11:42:22 <HackEso> outstanding? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
11:51:25 <Taneb> wob_jonas: outstanding is when someone is upright in an outdoors position, as in "that scarecrow is outstanding in his field"
11:53:45 <wob_jonas> I see. so tall buildings are outstanding, eg. I live in an outstanding house.
11:54:58 <Taneb> Yes
11:55:04 <Taneb> See also "outlier"
11:58:23 <Taneb> As in, "Not many scarecrows have fallen over, but that one over there is an outlier"
12:03:41 <fizzie> Interesting, WordNet ranks the one sense higher than the other.
12:03:45 <fizzie> @wn outlier
12:03:46 <lambdabot> *** "outlier" wn "WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)"
12:03:46 <lambdabot> outlier
12:03:46 <lambdabot> n 1: a person who lives away from his place of work
12:03:46 <lambdabot> 2: an extreme deviation from the mean
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13:22:38 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=60959 * A * (+751) Created page with "[[CARfish]] is an esolang that tries to make experiences of [[Deadfish]] worse. (It has the same four commands, though.) CARfish started out from two separate languages: Map(..."
13:26:27 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60960&oldid=60959 * A * (+447)
13:30:07 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60961&oldid=60960 * A * (+178) /* ANTS documentation */
13:46:07 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60962&oldid=60961 * A * (+689) /* ANTS documentation */
13:51:39 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60963&oldid=60962 * A * (+4) /* ANTS documentation */
14:05:11 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60964&oldid=60963 * A * (+67) /* Map documentation */
14:08:59 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60965&oldid=60964 * A * (+557)
14:10:50 <esowiki> [[Deadfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60966&oldid=60693 * A * (+106) /* Variants of deadfish */
14:12:18 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60967&oldid=60965 * A * (+43)
14:19:47 <esowiki> [[CARfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60968&oldid=60967 * A * (+70)
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15:42:40 <esowiki> [[Control Character]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60969&oldid=60818 * EnilKoder * (+940)
15:45:34 <esowiki> [[RarVM]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60970&oldid=60947 * Void * (+111) /* Examples/Use cases */
15:47:20 <kmc> Taneb: there's a dairy near San Francisco called Clover, and all of their marketing involves terrible puns
15:47:31 <kmc> one of which is "Our cows are outstanding in their field"
15:48:55 <Taneb> :D
15:51:36 <Taneb> I know my joke wasn't original, but I don't know where I stole it from
15:53:16 <kmc> it tickles me that you can get on the subway here and ride out to a place where you can see cows standing around from the train
15:54:30 <Taneb> I think you can do that on the Tyne & Wear Metro, too
15:54:59 <Taneb> I grew up being able to see cows standing around from my bedroom, and I do miss it
15:56:14 <esowiki> [[RarVM]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60971&oldid=60970 * Void * (+423) /* Local, social network or market based cooperative resource sharing between devices */
15:56:18 <int-e> `quote boring
15:56:19 <HackEso> 108) <CakeProphet> how does a "DNA computer" work. <CakeProphet> von neumann machines? <Phantom_Hoover> CakeProphet, that's boring in the context of DNA. <Phantom_Hoover> It's just stealing the universe's work and passing it off as our own. \ 172) <Sgeo> My quotes are boring \ 327) <oklopol> yes i use the services of a psychic, but i'm considering getting a live one since stuff like "hello $name, your first name $first_name has |$first_name| letters, s
15:56:33 <esowiki> [[RarVM]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60972&oldid=60971 * Void * (+1) /* Cooperative resource sharing between devices= */
16:03:30 <esowiki> [[Control Character]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60973&oldid=60969 * EnilKoder * (+136)
16:05:19 <arseniiv> `quote 327
16:05:19 <HackEso> 327) <oklopol> yes i use the services of a psychic, but i'm considering getting a live one since stuff like "hello $name, your first name $first_name has |$first_name| letters, so by using numerology we can tell ..." is getting kind of boring
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16:08:02 <esowiki> [[Control Character]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60974&oldid=60973 * EnilKoder * (+20)
16:11:26 <arseniiv> “JawSig is a programming language where the code is assembled from jigsaw tiles and should resemble a jaw and someones’s signature to compile”
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17:07:11 <esowiki> [[Polytran]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60975&oldid=60955 * Areallycoolusername * (+2959) Added code explanations and an example
17:09:28 <esowiki> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60976&oldid=60910 * Areallycoolusername * (+15) /* P */
17:11:59 <esowiki> [[Polytran]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60977&oldid=60975 * Areallycoolusername * (+109)
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18:16:49 <esowiki> [[BytePusher]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60978&oldid=60929 * Emg * (+17) Update line count on my (emg) bytepusher VM
18:20:25 <esowiki> [[RarVM]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60979&oldid=60972 * Void * (+95) /* Language overview */
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19:01:57 * int-e wonders whether http://blog.lczero.org/2019/04/announcing-lcz-worlds-first-neural-net.html would satisfy zzo38's Z-machine cravings for the month.
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20:05:19 <b_jonas> "<Taneb> I grew up being able to see cows standing around from my bedroom, and I do miss it" => what how? you aren't so young that you already had the world wide web and internet access at home when as grew up
20:07:46 <Taneb> a) I'm afraid I rather am that young. I remember my dad showing me the web when I was 6 or 7
20:07:50 <Taneb> b) I meant out the window
20:08:02 <b_jonas> hmm
20:08:08 <b_jonas> `? tanebventions
20:08:10 <HackEso> Tanebventions include necessity, Go, submarine jousting, Fueue, the universe, metar, sand, dragons, persistence, the BBC, _46bit, progress, sanity, Italian, the grace period, the limerick, ruin, and this sentence. See also tanebventions: maths or tanebventions: foods. He never invents anything involving sex.
20:08:30 <b_jonas> `? tanebventions: food
20:08:31 <HackEso> Culinary tanebventions include automatic squirrel feeders, weetoflakes, mushrooms, nutella, and cognac.
20:09:00 <b_jonas> but we already knew of sand when I was young. we played with it in the park.
20:09:21 <b_jonas> and we had ruins too
20:09:24 <Taneb> Your mistake is assuming I'm not going to invent a time machine
20:09:28 <Taneb> `? Italian
20:09:29 <HackEso> Italian is the most melodious language known. Taneb invented it to sing better in the shower.
20:09:32 <b_jonas> ah
20:10:09 <shachaf> `? mushroom
20:10:11 <HackEso> mushroom? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
20:10:14 <shachaf> ?!
20:10:14 <lambdabot> Maybe you meant: v @ ? .
20:10:20 <b_jonas> just yesterday, our boss requested that we use a time machine to satisfy some too short deadline that a customer demands
20:14:15 -!- xkapastel has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
20:15:44 <b_jonas> oh no
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20:24:05 <b_jonas> ``` rev <<< live
20:24:08 <HackEso> evil
20:30:08 <esowiki> [[BytePusher]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60980&oldid=60978 * Emg * (-17) Don't need to be so specific about how many lines my VM is, it keeps changing
20:41:51 <b_jonas> ``` rev <<<"evil stun trap wolf dial drawer loop rail tide doom emit peek repair ward gulp loot moor reed"
20:41:51 <HackEso> deer room tool plug draw riaper keep time mood edit liar pool reward laid flow part nuts live
20:42:13 <b_jonas> argh
20:42:15 <b_jonas> ``` rev <<<"evil stun trap wolf dial drawer loop rail tide doom emit peek repaid ward gulp loot moor reed"
20:42:16 <HackEso> deer room tool plug draw diaper keep time mood edit liar pool reward laid flow part nuts live
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22:14:32 <esowiki> [[BytePusher]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60981&oldid=60980 * Emg * (+20) Mention new minified VM
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23:11:18 <oerjan> `` cd wisdom; ls *s
23:11:19 <HackEso> 6 random numbers \ `whoops \ `words \ abyss \ all the single objects \ all the tropes \ ambiguous \ ananas \ b_jonas \ brontosaurus \ chaos \ chess \ chuck norris \ cls \ comics \ complexity class \ css \ culprits \ dingas \ emacs \ fentimans \ for further details \ glados \ glass \ hambiguitous \ hand injuries \ hfs \ hippothalamus \ inverness \ jesus \ justices \ lens \ lystrosaurus \ madness \ magnus \ magus \ maths \ mipis \ mips \ monads \ monoids \
23:11:26 <oerjan> `? whoop
23:11:27 <HackEso> whoop? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
23:11:42 <oerjan> i guess i didn't make it go both ways
23:11:55 <pikhq> `metar kden
23:11:56 <HackEso> lambdabot: @metar KDEN
23:12:00 <pikhq> XD
23:12:02 <pikhq> @metar KDEN
23:12:04 <lambdabot> KDEN 102309Z 36021KT 1/4SM R35L/1800V2400FT SN FZFG VV006 M03/M04 A2964 RMK AO2 PK WND 36027/2304 TWR VIS 1/2 P0000 T10331044 $
23:12:32 <oerjan> sadly int-e got fed up of that trick and made lambdabot ignore HackEso
23:12:57 <oerjan> (probably because of `? weather)
23:13:03 <oerjan> `? weather
23:13:04 <HackEso> lambdabot: @@ @@ (@where weather) CYUL ENVA ESSB KOAK PAMR
23:13:17 <pikhq> Ah
23:13:18 <oerjan> @metar ENVA
23:13:19 <lambdabot> ENVA 102250Z 13008KT CAVOK M03/M10 Q1030 RMK WIND 670FT 14007KT
23:13:38 <oerjan> it seemed more springy last week...
23:14:38 <oerjan> `cat bin/metar
23:14:38 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/bash \ icao="$(airport "$*" | sed -e "s/.*, //;s/)//" | shuf -n 1)" \ echo lambdabot: @metar "${icao:-$1}"
23:14:44 <pikhq> It seemed more spring-y yesterday, for that matter.
23:15:18 <oerjan> `sled bin/metar//s,lambdabot:,You probably mean,
23:15:19 <HackEso> bin/metar//#!/bin/bash \ icao="$(airport "$*" | sed -e "s/.*, //;s/)//" | shuf -n 1)" \ echo You probably mean @metar "${icao:-$1}"
23:15:31 <oerjan> `metar TEST
23:15:32 <HackEso> You probably mean @metar LFCH
23:15:54 <oerjan> oh it's cleverer
23:16:07 <oerjan> `metar vaernes
23:16:08 <HackEso> You probably mean @metar vaernes
23:16:14 <oerjan> hm not that clever
23:16:48 <oerjan> `metar DEN
23:16:49 <HackEso> You probably mean @metar SAOV
23:16:55 <oerjan> huh
23:16:59 <kmc> @metar KSFO
23:17:00 <lambdabot> KSFO 102256Z 27021KT 10SM FEW200 18/08 A3026 RMK AO2 SLP246 T01780078
23:17:07 <oerjan> it's guessing seems a bit random
23:17:11 <oerjan> *-'
23:18:39 <oerjan> `metar TRD
23:18:40 <HackEso> You probably mean @metar ENVA
23:18:44 <oerjan> it got that one
23:19:04 <shachaf> `cbt metar
23:19:04 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/bash \ icao="$(airport "$*" | sed -e "s/.*, //;s/)//" | shuf -n 1)" \ echo You probably mean @metar "${icao:-$1}"
23:19:29 <shachaf> @metar koak
23:19:30 <lambdabot> KOAK 102253Z 26014KT 10SM FEW200 19/10 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP242 T01940100 $
23:19:34 <shachaf> `metar oak
23:19:34 <HackEso> You probably mean @metar KPTK
23:19:43 <oerjan> `airport KPTK
23:19:44 <HackEso> Oakland County International Airport (PTK, KPTK)
23:19:47 <oerjan> heh
23:20:09 <shachaf> a county-owned public-use airport located in Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, United States
23:20:13 <shachaf> ThackEso
23:20:18 <kmc> hi chaf
23:20:32 <kmc> I was trying to get weather reports over APRS yesterday, but aprsdroid can't decode them :(
23:20:54 <shachaf> hi
23:21:06 <pikhq> KDEN isn't really the nearest airport here, but it's the nearest one with an ICAO code I remember.
23:22:55 <oerjan> `? outstanding
23:22:56 <HackEso> outstanding? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
23:23:59 <oerjan> `# Thaneb//`learn Outstanding is when someone is upright in an outdoors position, as in "that scarecrow is outstanding in his field".
23:24:02 <HackEso> Learned 'outstanding': Outstanding is when someone is upright in an outdoors position, as in "that scarecrow is outstanding in his field".
23:25:16 <shachaf> `last outstand
23:25:17 <HackEso> last: cannot open /var/log/wtmp: No such file or directory
23:25:17 <shachaf> uh
23:25:30 <shachaf> oh well
23:25:35 <oerjan> wat?
23:25:57 <shachaf> I meant to type /last
23:26:06 <oerjan> ic
23:28:11 <oerjan> `slwd outstanding//s,that,That,
23:28:13 <HackEso> outstanding//Outstanding is when someone is upright in an outdoors position, as in "That scarecrow is outstanding in his field".
23:29:22 <shachaf> `cat bin/sedlast
23:29:23 <HackEso> files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"
23:29:26 <shachaf> `` doag | grep sedlast
23:29:29 <HackEso> 11491:2018-04-12 <oerjän> slwd shavention//s;sedlast;&/pled; \ 10243:2017-02-13 <shachäf> sedlast s/.$/ yet&/ \ 9834:2016-12-03 <shachäf> sedlast 1299s/call/hail/ \ 9515:2016-10-29 <oerjän> sled bin/sedlast//s/; echo.*// \ 9123:2016-09-29 <shachäf> sedlast s#with a pasjon#and passion fruit# \ 9013:2016-09-06 <shachäf> sedlast s# twh#. That would help.#;s# #, # \ 8915:2016-08-13 <oerjän> sedlast skur.*korrendousk \ 8914:2016-08-13 <shachäf>
23:30:54 <oerjan> sedlast seems to have slipped off my memory sieve
23:32:03 <oerjan> wait, through.
23:34:15 -!- xkapastel has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
23:38:00 <fizzie> Now that there's the $IRC_HOST variable, for uncloaked users `metar could do some geolocation to pick up a likely airport.
23:39:13 <fizzie> When the other thing fails, that is.
23:41:07 <oerjan> `? time machine
23:41:08 <HackEso> time machine? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
23:41:51 <oerjan> `le/rn time machine//A time machine is something Taneb will eventually have to invent to fix the fact that many of his inventions are older than him.
23:41:52 <HackEso> Learned 'time machine': A time machine is something Taneb will eventually have to invent to fix the fact that many of his inventions are older than him.
23:41:56 <fizzie> `` acronym IATA; acronym ICAO
23:41:57 <HackEso> insensitive altercation tannest aerobatics \ interspersing chessman Armageddon Osbert
23:42:37 -!- Sgeo_ has joined.
23:43:09 <oerjan> `acronym TLA
23:43:10 <HackEso> topically lousiness attendant
23:43:36 <fizzie> I think that's actually the default.
23:43:38 <fizzie> `acronym
23:43:39 <HackEso> tufting Longstreet aerated
23:43:45 <oerjan> oh
23:44:12 <fizzie> `` acronym TSA; acronym DHS # topical
23:44:13 <HackEso> tusk Sprint annually \ decathlons hardy sneaked
23:45:16 -!- Sgeo has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
23:45:31 <fizzie> Like fungot, I think these usually aren't very good, but sometimes you get a good one. Randomness seems to be like that.
23:45:31 <fungot> fizzie: there's something stuck deep in my power to use on your journey. seeing that makes you lose perspective.
23:45:46 <fizzie> Good example.
23:46:01 <shachaf> fizzie: I generated some audio samples randomly but they seemed to consistently not be very good.
23:46:04 <shachaf> What's that about?
23:46:06 <int-e> . o O ( I feel like adding some more grammar: `slwd time machine//s/have to invent/have to would having had invented/' )
23:47:33 <oerjan> `? mushrooms
23:47:34 <HackEso> mushrooms? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
23:47:40 <fizzie> shachaf: I don't know, but maybe the goodness subset of the whole domain of "audio samples" in general is thinner than that of random words put together.
23:47:41 <int-e> @google Dan Streetmentioner
23:47:41 <lambdabot> https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Dan_Streetmentioner
23:48:00 <shachaf> fizzie: To be fair, maybe some of the samples were pretty good.
23:48:21 <fizzie> int-e: I think that should have "wiollan" or other tenses like that then.
23:48:21 <shachaf> It's just I was generating 44100 per second and I never got enough good ones in a row.
23:48:48 <shachaf> I think 0 is a pretty good one, for instance.
23:49:04 <int-e> fizzie: Quite possibly. There's a reason why I haven't actually made the change... the execution felt inferior :)
23:49:48 <fizzie> Looks like "wiollan" wasn't one of them. But "wioll" and "willan" were.
23:50:43 <fizzie> "You can arrive (mayan arivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were when you return to your own time. (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.)"
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